A friend of mine Larry Gabel suggested I contact you regarding a program you have for teams to use your SkatePal unit. This past weekend Larry did my daughters skates at the North American Prospects Tournament in Buffalo – I was actually thinking about driving back to Hamilton, Ontario to get my daughters skates sharpened when Larry told me he had your SkatePal unit in his hotel room. With the Semi finals hours away – and the fact that one of the skates had clearly lost its edge I hesitated about having Larry do my skates. My daughter is very picky about her skates (has been for a number of years – and could tell the minute someone else did her skates). We use skate boots as much as possible and practice good skate maintenance – but it is not always possible to keep razor sharp edges in arenas as the rubber pads tend to hold alot of grit. We use a tool to try to maintain her edges until we can get back to her favourite skate technician – presently she has been using the Maximum Edge system. We found this to be the best out there... until now. I have to tell you that this was the first time she has ever raved about her skates. I was very surprised at her reaction to the sharpening Larry did. When Larry did my daughters skates I immediately noticed that there was no heat generated at all. The cut finish was so smooth it looked like a mirror. I was impressed with how quickly, easily and quietly this machine sharpens the skates.
Larry mentioned you had a program for teams and the SkatePal unit – I’m very interested in the program he talked to me about. I am the Head Coach for the Aurora Pee Wee AA team and would be interested in getting our team on your program. Especially since my #1 skate critic absolutely loves her skates after using your SkatePal system. Everyone knows how picky she is about her skates! Could you advise on how your program works?
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