I can still remember the day last summer when I walked by our truck in the parking lot of our local rink. You were demonstrating the skate pal to who ever would listen, my first reaction was, as if that " THING" can sharpen skates good enough for any one that is serious about hockey, it looked like a "TOY" from a distance.
As the week of hockey school went on, I watched and listened about the benefits of the Skate Pal, it was only after my own sons skates had been sharpened and I noticed an immediate improvement in his skating speed that I was 100% sold on this fine peace of ingenuity. I couldn't wait to get my winter team set up on the program, not only would the teams skates be sharpened with consistency, but I could only imagine the convenience of having the Skate Pal with the team on road trips while away at tournaments.
I can tell you that The skate Pal was every thing that the team had hoped for, what a feeling for the parents, players and coaches to know that on Sunday before starting a semi final game at a tournament, that all the players had a good edge on their skates, and it was the same edge that they skated with a month before.
The East Nippising Vipers Atom team had a very successful year to say the least, they were the only local team to win the International Silver Stick in some 38 years. Everybody knows there are many components to a winning season, but I'm 100 % convinced that the Skate Pal is as important as all others.
Best Regards
Mark Rich, Coach - East Nippising Vipers 2008/09